Three with Houston.

Nathan Eovadi’s rare meltdown leads to series loss to Boston.

You know how in every horror movie, the monster appears to be dead but somehow, impossibly, it isn’t and it comes back for one last fight before finally being killed off for good?

Well, the monster in this scenario is the Texas Rangers. They have been slayed. Their 2024 season is over. 

But the Houston Astros are coming to town for three games. And a lot of Rangers fans are going to hold out hope. What if they sweep? What if the Rangers win all three games?

If that happens, they are still in third. Still trailing the Mariners, still under .500, and still not on any playoff conversation. But, admittedly, that would be a wonder scenario.

If the Rangers win two of the three games, they pick up only a game on Houston. Win one game, they drop a game. Get swept?

Then, once and for all, this monster would be vanquished for good. 

Look, not trying to be negative here. The Rangers are playing the Astros, one of two teams in front of them. They need to sweep. They have to sweep. 

A sweep of the Astros is imperative. But for what? Really, just for bragging rights. Because the Rangers are too far a hole for even a sweep of Houston to matter for anything else.

This monster might rise again on last time. But we’ve seen too many monster movies. We know how it ends.
