A good feeling.

Kyle Gibson goes six innings, giving up one run to earn his third W of the season in a 4-1 won over the Red Sox.

So, is this Kyle Gibson guy for real? He sure seems to be right now. 

After his very Kyle Gibson-like opening day start, he has been a different pitcher. Last night was more of the new Gibson. And a glimpse into what good baseball looks like.

Great pitching, great defense, timely offense. When games like this happen, you are instantly swept up in the possibilities.

You are transformed to 2010 and 2011. To 2015 and 2016. To those brief moments of greatness that dot the landscape of franchise mediocrity.

Savor the moment. Savor the win. Savor the great pitching. It may not last long. But at least for one game you get that feeling for how successful franchises do it year after year. And maybe one day that feeling might make its way to the Rangers front office. 
