The last six years have been full of questions. This year, there are answers to the questions.
Question one: With the Rangers five-run seventh inning, yesterday, how many five-run innings have they had this year?
A. Seven?
B. Nine?
C. Twelve?
D. Sixteen?
E. Twenty-one?
The correct answer is…D. Sixteen. The most in major league baseball.
Tampa Bay has had twelve. Boston, 10. The Yankees and Dodgers, nine each.
A day after being stymied by the Mariners’ ace Luis Castillo and scoring only two runs, the full strength of the Rangers offense was back: Semien, Seager, Lowe, Garcia, Jung, Heim, Garver, Duran, Taveras.
There are no holes in the lineup. No rest for the weary.
Question two: Who led the American League in batting average for the month of May. (Hint, this is a Rangers blog, so the chances are good it’s a Ranger.)
Had to be Semien, right? If not him, then Duran. Seager missed too much time. If not Semien or Duran, then definitely Jung.
Answer: Leody Taveras, the Rangers ninth-hole hitter, batted .368 in May.
Question three: How many times have the Rangers scored double digits in runs this year?
That number would itself be double digits.
Fifteen times. Four times, sixteen or more runs.
Which leads to question four: Has the decision to get rid of Jon Daniels and Chris Woodward paid off the the Rangers?
There was never any question of that.