Rare, never before seen footage of a Joey Gallo single to left field, taken by an amateur photographer.
I’ve seen Sasquatch riding a unicorn. I’ve seen a Leprechaun fly through a double rainbow on a golden Pegasus. I’ve seen the Loch Ness monster take a selfie with Elvis Presley. But last night I witnessed something rare.
Halley’s Comet on the second moon of the month rare.
Joey Gallo got a hit to left field. With two strikes. In fact, he got three hits, all with two strikes.
The last time that happened, a fairy rode in on her dragon and slayed a werewolf.
So many great things happened in last night’s 12-7 blitzkrieg over the Mike Trouts. Every Ranger but one (Logan Forsythe) got a hit—Choo and Gallo collected three each. Every Ranger but one (Andrus) was on base at least twice. Texas scored in five of its eight innings. Danny Santana made two defensive gems at second. Gallo hit one into the upper deck. And Rule 5 pickup Kyle Dowdy got his first major league victory.
All overshadowed by one thing.
Joey Gallo shot a single to left field. Seemingly on purpose. It drove in a run, by the way. Had the Angels not been shifting, it would have been a tailor-made double play ball. And that is exactly the point. They gave up two outs in order to try to get one.
If Gallo can do that, if he can continue to hit with two strikes, which, for his career he is .092, this changes everything.
Joey Gallo hit a ball to left field. The mermaid and yeti sitting in front of me at last night’s game said they had never seen anything like that before.
It was weird.
TODAY’S GAME:Jaime Barria (1-0, 3.38) vs. Mike Minor (1-1, 3.86)
Game time: 7:05