For anyone who didn’t see it, or who saw it and said, What the heck was that? here is the Rangers commercial that ran during the Super Bowl.
It’s Jeff Banister toasting his team with Champagne, interspersed with shots of Beltre, Odor, Hamels (twice) and Fielder, saying: “I told you in spring training, it doesn’t matter how you showed up, you show up every day. We ain’t done yet. We ain’t done yet. But here’s one to you for all that you’ve done. I love every one of you. Keep it going. I told you, they let us hang around, they’d be pissed off. Well, you know what, THEY’RE PISSED OFF.”
Then everybody screamed, they drank a toast, they celebrated, then the ball was hit to Elvis Andrus and the rest of us were pissed off.
Bring on Rangers baseball, 2016.
To anyone who has tried to registers to but couldn’t, that has now been fixed. Please join in the conversation.