Top off-season decision.

Will Leach of addresses each team’s top decision this off-season. Here is what he has to say about the Rangers:

Rangers — Do they trade Lance Lynn? The Rangers look like they’re about to enter an extended reconstruction period, and their best trade piece is Lynn, who has been terrific for two years now and has just one year left on his contract. Every team needs pitching, and there are many, many World Series contenders who could use Lynn.”

Not a surprising take, especially when the Rangers saw how far Mike Minor’s value fell so quickly, and how Lance Lynn struggled a bit to end the season, his best value is now.

But this all comes down to one question, which has probably already been answered. Are the Rangers trying to win in 2021. If not, they don’t need Lynn. It will be the last year of his contract. If they are not trying to win, they should seriously consider trading Gallo, although that’s a much stickier issue than trading Lynn. Gallo’s numbers fell so significantly that it’s hard to say how much return they will get back for him. It might be better to keep him one more season and see if he can get hitting in The Shed out of his head.

But in a rebuild you need pieces. Pieces don’t often work out so it’s better to get as many pieces as you can.