Corey Brock of The Athletic released his first annual Readers Picks for Best TV Booth Team in MLB.
Not surprisingly, from following the opinions expressed here, the Rangers TV broadcasters did not fare well.
Of course, it could be worse. The Tigers had two guys in the booth who, for seventeen years, couldn’t stand one another. Their broadcast went off smoothly but with little digs here and there that weren’t healthy. Mario Impemba and Rod Allen were not friends. Their station should have done something about it long ago but, as we see in so many other facets of life, leadership is hard to come by. So they let it fester. Finally, after a late-season game in 2018, the two got into a physical fight that ended in allegations of chocking. While no police reports were ever filed, it was an ugly scene right outside the broadcast booth. It started over who got to sit in the comfortable chair that night.
They were fired and replaced by a team that their fans ranked the worst of the thirty major league TV broadcast teams. But at least they like one another.
The Rangers don’t have the drama. They also don’t have the fan love. Texas’s team of Dave Raymond, C.J. Nitkowski, Tom Grieve, David Murphy, and Emily Jones finished twenty-fifth out of thirty in fan voting.
Here is what Brock said about the Rangers team:
“The Rangers are toward the back of the back in our first MLB broadcast rankings, but the team’s field reporter, Emily Jones, gets rave reviews. She’s fifth among her peers with a 4.30 rating (out of five). ‘Emily is a treasure,’ wrote one fan. ‘Always amusing in her interactions with players and funny stories galore.’ The team uses three analysts, and some fans feel that’s too many cooks in the kitchen: ‘Too many color commentators. Stick with C.J.’ Most readers seem ambivalent to Grieve as an analyst, preferring Nitkowski. Raymond gets good marks handling the play-by-play, though plenty of fans are still clamoring for Josh Lewin, who hasn’t called games for the team in a decade. Several fans who took part in the survey said they watch the TV broadcast but listen to the actual games on the radio, preferring announcers Eric Nadel and Matt Hicks.”
The best broadcast team in the major leagues belongs to the New York Mets Gary Cohen, Keith Hernandez, Ron Darling, and Steve Gelbs.
Whether you love the Rangers broadcasters or hate the Rangers broadcasters, one thing is for certain. Right now, you really miss the Rangers broadcasters.